Woman Crush Wednesday: Lana Rifkin, MD

Woman Crush Wednesday: Lana Rifkin, MD

Who: I’m a badass eyeMD (uveitis specialist), lucky wife, ringmaster of 4 [kids – 2 girls: ages 12 and 8 and 2 boys: twins, age 3]

What Does She Do: I diagnose and treat rare inflammatory eye conditions, teach medical students, residents and fellows, give local and national talks on uveitis topics, and love my family fiercely! I’m a partner at Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston, the largest multi-specialty ophthalmology practice in New England as well as Director of the Uveitis Service and Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at New England Eye Center/Tufts Medical Center.

Empowerment Advice: Life is about choices. Choose to love. Choose to live life.

Favorite Beauty Services: mani/pedi, massages

Favorite Beauty Products: Thrive Mascara, eyeshadow pencils

Skincare Routine: minimal…I have 4 kids and a full time job I always take my makeup off at night and sometimes moisturize…I know, I’m bad.

General Overview of a Typical Day: Mornings are crazy as I try to get myself organized for work and get 4 kids ready to go to three different places (girls to different schools, twins to daycare). I thank G-d daily for my super hands-on husband, amazingly supportive extended family, and awesome nanny…For work, I drive to 6 different offices – every day is a different office — because I only do uveitis. On my drive, I usually call my mom (I’m an only child and we’re very close). Work is my happy place. I have an amazing team and world-renowned brilliant colleagues who help me take the best care of our patients possible. After work, I rush to pick up the twins from daycare and come home to prepare dinner and listen to my older kids tell me about their days. After younger kids in bed, I do homework with the middle kid, and once she and her older sister are off to bed, I try to hop on my Peloton a few times a week, and then my husband and I often have a glass of wine together and catch up. I’m usually in bed by 11pm. Weekends are for family, friends and (starting to be again!) travel!

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