Woman Crush Wednesday: Rachel Cossar

Woman Crush Wednesday: Rachel Cossar

Who:Rachel Cossar

What does she do: Presence and Body Language Expert

Empowerment advice: Always take the stretch opportunity, even if you don’t feel quite ready for it.

Favorite beauty services: A good pedicure – always leaves me feeling like a million bucks

Favorite beauty products: Foxtail Hair products

Skincare Routine: I’m super basic with my skincare routine – I do the cleanse, tone and moisturize trio

General overview of a typical day: Wake up around 5am, first thing is always a stretch regimen to get the blood flowing and the body moving. I start work on my business around 6, break for a coffee walk at 9 and a light breakfast. Then it’s more work, meetings, virtual facilitations until around 3pm. Working East Coast hours on the West Coast means I can get an outdoor adventure in – hiking, biking or tennis before an early dinner with my husband, Max. I try to practice the 16:8 intermittent fasting, which is much easier to do on the West Coast for some reason… And then I usually watch an episode (current faves: Schitt’s Creek, The Good Place, Mandalorian) and then read before bed. Currently reading Shantaram on a recommendation from a friend – it’s A+.

Favorite fashion of the moment: I think face masks are cute. Ellevate has some really nices ones:)

Favorite hotspot to chat with other #ellevated women: instagram!

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